Legal & Regulatory News

EU Platform on Sustainable Finance produces draft report for technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomy

04 August 2021

On 4 August 2021, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance (the Platform) published a draft report containing preliminary technical screening criteria (TSC) for environmental objectives 3-6 under Article 3 of the Taxonomy Regulation (as well as some additional criteria for environmental objectives 1-2). The TSC was developed by the Platform's Technical Working Group (TWG) and includes a call for feedback.

The draft report, amongst other things, aims to present a set of priority economic activities and draft recommendations for associated substantial contribution criteria and 'do no significant harm' criteria, focussing on non-climate environmental objectives, including but not limited to:

  • water;
  • circular economy;
  • pollution prevention; and
  • biodiversity and ecosystems.

Feedback materials can be found in Part B of the report and feedback from stakeholders is invited until 24 September 2021.

Click here for the draft report.