Glossary of Terms

Sustainable Lending Glossary of Terms
December 2023
We, together with the APLMA and LSTA, have published a newly updated 'Sustainable Lending Glossary of Terms', which seeks to promote the development, and use, of a common language surrounding sustainable lending across the globe. The evolving integration of sustainability into financial markets has paved the way for an expanded financial vocabulary and the updated document incorporates newly coined terms into the glossary.
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LIBOR/RFR Glossary of terms
June 2022
This publication is a glossary of key terms related to the transition from LIBOR to near risk-free rates ("RFRs"). The transition from LIBOR has resulted in the use of a number of new acronyms and phrases being used in the market, for example, SONIA, SOFR, observation shift, lookback, amendment approach and hardwired approach to name just a few. This glossary is intended to assist our members in understanding the terminology used in respect of LIBOR transition and the use of RFRs in the syndicated loan market
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