Legal & Regulatory News

​EU Commission launches Taxonomy Compass

15 June 2021

With the intention of illustrating the contents of the EU taxonomy in an accessible manner, the EU Commission launched an EU Taxonomy Compass webpage on 15 June 2021. It aims to provide a visual representation of the contents of the EU Taxonomy. The Taxonomy Compass has two main targets:

improving accessibility of the contents within the EU Taxonomy for users via enabling them to cross-reference the activities included in the taxonomy with the objectives they contribute and the criteria they must fulfill; and

allow for the integration of criteria into IT systems and business databases using the Microsoft excel or Javascript Object Notation platforms.

The Taxonomy Compass will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to include future delegated acts specifying technical screening criteria for further economic activities substantially contributing to the climate, and other environmental, objectives of the Taxonomy Regulations.

Click here to explore the EU Taxonomy Compass.