LMA member Q&A call on term €STR rate switch document

LMA member Q&A call on term €STR rate switch document
Wednesday 22 November 2023
Microsoft Teams

On Wednesday, 22 November, the LMA will be hosting a member Q&A call to discuss any questions that members may have on the LMA’s exposure draft term €STR switch document. 

The exposure draft term €STR rate switch document was published on 26 October.  It is designed to provide a suggested documentary framework for one of the recommendations of the Euro RFR Working Group on fallbacks to EURIBOR, namely a two-level waterfall solution consisting of term €STR on the first level and compounded €STR in arrears on the second level.  The document was accompanied by a separate cover note and commentary.  

The LMA is inviting member comments on the exposure draft by 8 December, however, we would like to engage with members prior to that deadline.  The Q&A call will take place with Keith Taylor and Kam Hessling of the LMA, who will be joined by Toby Mann and Katie Hoyle of Clifford Chance. 

Attendees are invited to submit questions via Slido in advance of the call, and there will also be opportunity to submit questions via Slido during the call. Registered attendees will receive the link and code to access Slido in their confirmation email.   

The call will take place via Teams at 12pm (GMT) and will last approximately 30 minutes.  

A Teams link will be shared to all confirmed attendees prior to the call. 

This event is free of charge and open to LMA members only.

If you would like to register, please contact Melissa Seaden

Duration:  Wednesday 22 November 2023
Who can attend:  Members Only
Price:  Free Event

Contact Name:  Melissa Seaden
Contact Email:  melissa.seaden@lma.eu.com

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