Press Releases

LMA releases results of its FinTech Survey
23 May 2019This survey was conducted with LMA members to better understand how they are using or planning to adopt new financial/legal technology.
It illustrates what our members are doing in the FinTech space, as well as their views about loan market technology more broadly.
Question 1: To what extent has your organisation been affected by the growth of FinTech? Please give an answer on a scale between 1 (not affected at all) and 5 (greatly affected).
Question 2: What is your personal opinion of FinTech?
Question 3: Do you believe you know as much as you need to about FinTech, as likely to impact your business?
Question 4: If no, in which area do you think your knowledge could be most improved:
Question 5: What do you think is the biggest challenge to the adoption of technology for syndicated loans?
Question 6: Does your syndicated loan business have, or is it looking to adopt, a technology strategy?
Question 7: If yes to question 6, are you receiving a return on your investment?
Question 8: If yes to question 6, what is your institution's approach to developing technology? (Please tick all that apply)
Question 9: Which of the following emerging technologies does your business use (or is looking to use) (Please tick all that apply)
Question 10: Do you think the law needs to be more permissible to allow technology solutions to flourish?
Question 11: If yes, specifically what areas?
Question 12: Which area of the syndicated loan market do you think technology will assist with most?