Alerts Archive

  • 22 July 2024
    LMA and APLMA publish joint call to action on remaining USD LIBOR transition

    The LMA and APLMA are pleased to have published a joint open letter urging loan market participants to take all necessary steps to complete USD LIBOR transition. The FCA has made clear that the remaining tenors of USD synthetic LIBOR will be discontinued by end-September. We urge all loan market stakeholders to pass this message on to ensure no-one is left unprepared.

  • 01 July 2024
    LMA RFR Documentation Survey – Please complete by 2 August 2024

    Click Read more to take part in our survey on the LMA’s RFR documentation suite. The results of the survey will help us in our ongoing process of reviewing and consolidating our documentation suite. The survey consists of 12 questions and requests your views on various RFR related documentation topics including EURIBOR fallbacks, alternative term rates, term SOFR fallbacks, baseline CAS and the most often used interest rate drafting. 

  • 05 June 2024
    LMA to take part with ESMA in FTSE Russell conversation on application of guidance on Euro risk-free rates in the loan market

    The LMA will be taking part in a FTSE Russell webinar alongside ESMA looking at the progress in the loan market of the adoption of the Euro RFR Working Group’s recommendations on fallbacks to EURIBOR. One of the Working Group’s recommendations was for market participants to include a forward-looking €STR term rate-based fallback into specific segments of the loan and trade finance market.  

    The LMA encourages members with EURIBOR-referencing loans to attend this FTSE Russell webinar. This is a unique opportunity for members to hear directly from, and ask questions to, ESMA on the EURIBOR fallback recommendations.  

    Date: 26 June 2024

    Time: 2:00pm BST / 3:00pm CET with Q&A

  • 09 May 2024
    LMA publishes South African law JIBAR rate switch agreement to assist with market transition to ZARONIA

    On 9 May 2024, we published further South African law documentation to assist the loan market in transitioning away from JIBAR to compounded ZARONIA. The Unsecured Single Currency Single Borrower Term and Revolving Facilities Agreement Incorporating Rate Switch Provisions (the “Exposure Draft SA Rate Switch Agreement”) provides for an in-built switch from JIBAR to a backward-looking compounded ZARONIA on the occurrence of specified trigger events.  It includes mechanics and provisions for transition which are intended to mitigate the risk of a further amendment being required.

  • 21 February 2024
    CDOR transition – Upcoming events being held by Bank of Canada / CARR

    With only 4 months to go until the cessation of CDOR, the LMA would like to invite members to two events being hosted by the Bank of Canada on the CDOR transition. 

    29 February, PwC/CARR live webinar on the CDOR transition (4:00pm GMT)
    This session will be focused on lending and hedging, as well as the transition away from the Bankers’ Acceptance market. For more information and to access the live event, please register with PwC at 

    12 March, CDOR will end in less than 4 months: How financial markets are adapting to CORRA (in-person event)
    The High Commission of Canada in the UK, in partnership with TMX and in collaboration with the CARR, will be hosting a panel discussion with industry experts including the CARR co-chairs, on the current transition from CDOR to CORRA. 
    Event details:  12 March 2024, 16:00 - 18:00 GMT, Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
    To register, please send your RSVP to  

  • 01 February 2024
    Strengthening EURIBOR fallbacks - LMA publishes updated Term €STR exposure draft and German law investment grade document

    We have been part of the Euro RFR Working Group and have worked with the Group on strengthening fallbacks to EURIBOR. 

    On 1 February 2024, we published an updated version of our term €STR fallback exposure draft and related commentary following market feedback. As feedback received was generally supportive of the exposure draft, there have been no major changes. However, given the lack of market practice in the use of term €STR fallbacks, the LMA has not yet moved this document to recommended form.  As a result, we need members to provide us with ongoing feedback from the provisions being used on transactions. 

    We have also updated the existing form of German law investment grade documentation to include a switch to compounded €STR upon a permanent cessation or non-representativeness of EURIBOR. 

  • 02 November 2023
    LMA publishes South African law revised replacement of screen rate language to assist with JIBAR transition

    We are pleased to have published a user guide and revised recommended form of replacement of screen rate clause for the LMA’s South African law documents (“SA revised replacement of screen rate clause”). The SA revised replacement of screen rate clause is based on the LMA’s existing 2018 revised replacement of screen rate clause (as updated) produced in the context of LIBOR transition. However, it also has regard to the work of the MPG on sample reference language for bilateral loans and reflects specifics of the South African market and JIBAR transition. In order to provide additional context, there are footnotes explaining any differences in the LMA clause and the MPG sample clause.


  • 31 October 2023
    LMA publishes updated CORRA Schedule and updated compounded TONA Schedule

    We have published an updated CORRA Schedule which provides drafting for term CORRA in addition to compounded CORRA. Further, we have updated both our CORRA Schedule and TONA Schedule to reflect the updated definition of the “Daily Rate” in the updated IG compounded rate documents to provide for an interim fallback to a historic rate (prior to the application of a central bank rate plus any adjustment spread). This addresses what is sometimes referred to as the “Good Friday issue”.

  • 26 October 2023
    LMA publishes exposure draft term €STR rate switch document for member feedback and updated IG compounded rate documentation

    We are pleased to have published an exposure draft multicurrency term and revolving facilities agreement which incorporates term €STR fallbacks from EURIBOR. This is accompanied by a cover note providing a high-level summary of the fallback provisions set out in the document, and a separate commentary providing further detail of the provisions. Today, we have also published updated versions of our investment grade compounded rate facilities agreements, along with updated versions of the related term sheets and commentaries. 

  • 26 July 2023
    LMA.Automate Launches Bilateral Facility Agreement

    LMA.Automate is delighted to have produced a new bilateral facility agreement, which has been made available to all subscribers on the platform. We believe this new template, being the first of its kind, will have a broad and compelling use case for all LMA.Automate subscribers, whether lenders or law firms.