Schuldscheindarlehen E-learning Module

The LMA is pleased to announce its new, standalone, e-learning module: Introduction to Schuldscheindarlehen. The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of the Schuldscheindarlehen product, the parties involved and the timeline to market. A Schuldscheindarlehen is a unique German law loan instrument with a hybrid structure which sits between debt securities and bilateral/syndicated loans. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in non-German borrowers raising finance via Schuldscheindarlehen, as well as increasing interest from non-domestic banks to lend into the market. The LMA hopes that this module will help educate those less familiar with the product about its key features and characteristics. The release of this module coincides with the publication of LMA recommended form Schuldscheindarlehen documentation and user guide in both German and English.

Click here to access the LMA e-learning website.

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  • you are not automatically subscribed to the LMA e-learning website by virtue of being subscribed to the LMA website.
  • you should use the same email address, however, that you use to login to the LMA website - if they are not identical then the system may prevent you, without warning, from accessing the module.

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