Accessing LMA Documentation Queries

I can't seem to find a document in PDF/or Word format. Why is this?
Our documents are generally available only in Word format, except for the LMA User Guides and markup versions which are only available in PDF format.

How can I see the changes that have been made to a revised document?
All new versions of documents posted to the LMA website are also accompanied by a markup clearly showing the changes since the last publication. This can be found in the adjacent markup column to the right of the document.

Is the LMA documentation available for purchase by non-Members?
The LMA primary market documents are available for sale to academic/training organisations. For more information, contact the LMA on lma@lma.eu.com. Otherwise LMA documents are available to members only.

Where can I find a historic copy of a LMA document?
Historic copies of the debt trading terms and conditions can be found in the "Terms & Conditions Archive" of the Secondary Debt Trading documents page.

All other requests for historic documents must be made by existing members and must be referred to our legal counsel. Any historic documents requested will only be made available to members at a cost of £250 per document.

Please note that not all historic copies of our documents may be available.